Meet L’Dor V’Dor Circle Donors Amy & Mike Davidoff
Both of us grew up in tightknit Jewish communities in the Northeast, where our families were very connected and involved with our local synagogues. We have experienced firsthand the positive impact a vibrant synagogue can have on the community at large and on individual households. It was important for us to find this sense of community for ourselves, and our boys, in Ann Arbor. We chose to join Beth Israel Congregation, and have been very happy and grateful members ever since.
We know that the strength of any organization, especially a synagogue, is only as strong as the membership and the staff and leadership team. We want to do our part to ensure there are enough financial resources to sustain the organization and pass down this legacy to the community for many years to come. The Life & Legacy® program provided us a framework to leave a legacy gift.
Want to learn more about joining the L’Dor V’Dor Circle with a legacy gift to a Jewish organization in greater Ann Arbor? Contact or call 734-773-3538.